
Stop Bulldog Barking

By January 13, 2014 No Comments

Bulldog Barking Can Be Curbed

Though not generally described as such, undoubtedly, some barkers exist among the various bulldog breeds. Therefore, despite mostly quiet, amiable behavior, recurrent bulldog barking should be prevented from becoming undesirable. With attention to prevention and correction, steps can be taken to curb it.

Bulldog Characteristics

“Bulldog” indicates a collection of breeds stemming back to sixteenth-century England; current types include American, French, and Old English. Possessing a stocky, low-slung build, an obvious overbite, and ample jowls, bulldogs may seem more vicious than their gentle natures dictate. Consequently, bulldog barking is not as likely to startle intruders as is their offbeat appearance and shuffling gait. Faithful family dogs, actually enjoy nothing better than lounging, adoringly, at everyone’s feet.

Some Causes of Barking

Being family-oriented, otherwise quiet bulldogs may grow upset when left alone, demonstrating separation anxiety’s nervous barking. Though crating may help, professional advice is advisable.

Bulldog barking may also signal territorial warnings to strangers. By socializing puppies, exposing them to as many people, situations, and animals as possible, adult problems may be avoided.

Lastly, bulldogs may bark just for attention. Giving in to barking demands for stroking treats, or unnecessary actions may reinforce attention-motivated vocalizing that is best ignored.

Despite preventive measures, and considering that bulldogs typically bark only when protecting what is dear to them, bulldog barking may still become a nuisance. Consistent training may help.

Stopping Barking

Regardless of coaching puppies, so that loud, incessant noisemaking doesn’t dominate adult behaviour, unplanned circumstances may cause needless barking. Other than professional training, how can bad habits be squelched?

Before resorting to no-bark collars, of which the citronella type is most effective where bulldog barking is concerned, try teaching “no barking,” on command. As bulldogs are food motivated, placing treats by the nose, when barking begins, initiates active sniffing. Since unable to sniff and bark simultaneously, sniffing will prevail, during which time the chosen command word for quiet can be given. The treat and accompanying praise, “Good quiet,” can follow. Eventually, with repetition, the verbal command will suffice.

Another way to stop barking is by distraction or remote punishment. An example is pulling the dog’s leash/collar to disrupt barking while concurrently giving the quiet command. The leash can then be released and quiet reinforced with praise or treats. The verbal prompt should, in time, be enough.

A Balanced Day Helps

By providing a day balanced with exercise and chewing toys, punctuated by rest and relaxation, opportunities arise to praise and reinforce settled, quiet behaviour. Although not requiring high activity, a bulldog that is exercised, then rested after play, is less likely to engage in nervous or needless vocalizing. Perhaps, that is the best way to minimize bulldog barking and improve overall behaviour. Though bulldogs are stubborn, they love their families and aim to please. Barking does not have to jeopardize that relationship.