Doberman Pinscher

Stop Doberman Barking

By January 13, 2014 No Comments

Anyone who has ever owned a Doberman knows that doberman barking is sometimes excessive. This can be intimidating to those who don’t know them because Dobermans are large, strong dogs with a loud, fearsome bark. In addition, they are often stereotyped as vicious and aggressive. In spite of their reputation, however, Dobermans are loyal, intelligent dogs who will do anything for those they love. Therefore, curbing doberman barking is not as difficult as you might think.


Dobermans were originally bred as guard dogs and police dogs, so they are naturally protective of their owners. When not channeled, this protectiveness can lead to unrestrained barking. However, this isn’t the only reason Dobermans bark. Understanding the other causes of doberman barking can help you control this behavior.

•Boredom- Dobermans are some of the most intelligent dogs there are. They thrive on agility training, games of fetch, and other interesting activities. When not provided with intellectual stimulation, they may bark to keep themselves occupied. They are also highly energetic and require a lot of exercise. When not given it, they sometimes release pent-up energy through barking.

•Loneliness- These dogs are highly social creatures. They love to be around their owners and want to be a part of their activities. If they are left alone for too long, doberman barking may be the result.

•Protection- If your Doberman perceives a threat to himself or his family, he will bark to warn you and to scare off the intruder. This is part of what makes him such a good guard dog, but it’s important that you teach him when it’s appropriate and when it’s not.


The best way to prevent unnecessary doberman barking is to train your dog properly. Ideally, this should begin when he is a puppy and should include the following:

•Socialization- As soon as you get your dog, introduce him to as many people and situations as possible. Not only will this help him get to know a wide range of people, but it will teach him how people normally act. As a result, he will be more likely to recognize suspicious behaviour when it occurs. It is also important to familiarize him with other dogs because Dobermans tend to be dog aggressive otherwise.

•Leash training- Every time you walk your dog, make sure that he is on a leash. Teach him that you are the boss by not allowing him to walk in front of you. If he barks, pull the leash toward you and tell him “quiet.”

•Teaching the “quiet” command- When your Doberman barks, step in front of him and get his attention with a clap or a whistle. Next, look him in the eye, calmly tell him “quiet,” and include an accompanying hand motion. As soon as the Doberman barking stops, give your dog a treat and praise him. It won’t take him long to get the hint.

Training an exuberant Doberman takes quite a bit of energy. If you persist, however, you will soon have a loving, well-behaved dog you can be proud of.